If something goes wrong along the line, the detectors after the break will not work. Consilium uses a loop-based system to avoid this situation and protect human lives as well as valuable assets.
Always a way around
You know that typical movie scene: Someone is being chased down a dark dead end with no way out and hope is the only saviour. Well, the same goes for fire detection systems in explosive environments with only one powered line from the barrier to the detectors. Consilium powers the detectors from two sides. In the case of a cable break, all detectors are still operational. You maintain a high level of safety while the cable is repaired.

Sets a new standard
The fire detection system from Consilium is developed to meet the demands of the oil and gas industry. You can fit up to 60 units (e.g. detectors and manual call points) per loop or branch with a cable length of up to 2,000 metres. Less need of barriers and reduced complexity are some of the benefits. Cable layering is also simplified by adding one branch to another. You can connect branches to each other to form a loop.
Talk safety with us
There are thousands of questions regarding fire safety in oil and gas facilities. But there are also thousands of answers. Talk safety with us. We are ready when you are.