Consilium Safety Group is providing employees, customers, suppliers and third parties a whistleblowing channel to report serious improprieties within the company, e.g. financial crime, bribery crimes, environmental crimes or accounting crimes.
The purpose of this system is to encourage employees and third parties to raise concerns about matters occurring within or related to Consilium, rather than overlooking a problem or seeking a resolution of the problem outside Consilium.
Overall authority for the whistleblowing system sits with the Group CFO and Chief Human Resource Officer they are also recipients of all whistleblowing incidents reported through the system.
Managers are responsible for ensuring that all employees are aware of this policy and are able to raise concerns (in accordance with the procedure below) without fear of reprisals.
Reporting Procedure
You can access our whistleblower scheme by entering the following URL into your browser: https://nordicwhistle.whistleportal.eu.
Here you enter username (for external parties):
Email: whistleblower@consiliumexternal.com
Password: Whistleblower2022!
Here you enter username (for internal parties):
Email: whistleblower@consiliuminternal.com
Password: Whistleblower2022!
After login you can access a webpage where you can describe your suspicion or concern. Then you press send. The system is very user-friendly and more detailed information about the procedure can be found in ‘’Guide for using Consilium whistleblower system’’
As a whistleblower, you have the right to remain anonymous throughout the process. The chosen IT solution provides the opportunity to communicate anonymously with the recipients of the reports.
User guide